From Code to Cart: Navigating the World of E-commerce Development

E-commerce development has witnessed enormous growth in recent years within the ever-evolving digital world. In 2023, the projected income of the e-commerce industry is estimated to hit USD 3.64 trillion with a projected annual growth rate of 11.16%. The E-commerce industry is estimated to grow by 56% reaching up to 8.1 trillion USD by 2026. Thus, the opportunity for businesses to flourish through e-commerce development is very promising. From our experience as an e-commerce development company in Kolkata, we will share some insights on e-commerce development in this blog.

Benefits of E-commerce development

Global platform: E-commerce websites allow businesses to reach to a global audience overcoming the geographical barriers involved in traditional businesses

All-time accessibility: E-commerce stores are available 24/7 which allows users to shop anytime and from any part of the world.

Convenience: Unlike physical stores e-commerce websites are virtual, therefore it has low operational costs and overhead expenses

Personalisation: The experience of shoppers on an e-commerce website is personalized based on their interests and shopping history

Data insights: Online stores collect a lot of data from behaviour which helps analyse customer behaviour and take part in making data-driven decisions.

Step-by-step process of E-commerce development

Being in the business of providing seamless e-commerce website development services in Kolkata, we initiate the whole development process for an e-commerce website.

Planning, Analysis, and Market Research 

The first thing that we do is gather as much possible information about the industry of the business. It is necessary to conduct thorough market research, identify potential customers, know about market trends, and analyse competitors. It helps us in planning all the technical and marketing parts required in the development process to deliver a successful e-commerce website that fulfils business goals.

Budget planning

As an e-commerce development company in Kolkata, we provide all-round e-commerce solutions to our clients and depending on the budgets and business requirements we move on with the development process. Thus, constructive budget planning is very necessary as it helps outline the resources and technologies that will be required for the development of e-commerce.

Selecting the right host

Several elements of an ecommerce website depend upon the host such as managing traffic and performance. An e-commerce website may receive huge traffic, especially at the time of sale, thus it is better to choose a host that is capable of functioning efficiently under such circumstances. An inefficient host may result in the site crashing, resulting in a bounce rate, and overall affecting customers’ trust.

Delivering a responsive web design

The interaction between customers and businesses relies heavily on responsive website design. It helps in building strong relationships with customers. We being one of the best e-commerce development companies in Kolkata give this part the utmost priority. It involves making the website adapt to various screen sizes of different devices, delivering a seamless user experience (UX), using an intuitive interface and navigation and many others.

Using secure payment gateways and checkout

In e-commerce development, the most vital part is using a secure payment gateway and checkout. The increase in the use of modern technology within the digital business environment has also given rise to cybercrime which is a real threat to e-commerce websites. Other than that customers also share their valuable personal and financial information thus it is not only a legal obligation but rather a social responsibility to secure that data. As an e-commerce development company in Kolkata, we execute SSL certificates that protect customer’s information during checkout.

Testing and quality assurance

Just developing an e-commerce website is not enough rather developing it without any flaws is the main challenge for developers. Thus, it is important to test the website to recheck functionalities, payment gateways, bugs or glitches, and many others. We as the best ecommerce developers in Kolkata always prioritize mobile responsiveness and page loading speed to be the basis of quality assurance and then proceed to the other parts.

Esspesoft is your one-stop destination for your e-commerce development requirements. We are a team of the best web developers in Kolkata focused on delivering the best e-commerce solutions in Kolkata. We aim to develop the best possible e-commerce website for our clients that successfully fulfil their business goals. We will not only develop your website rather will plan together all the strategies and actions by becoming your strategic partner. We maintain good transparency and communication with our clients throughout and after the development process. Check out our website and contact us for more information.

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